• I’ll head to your home and meet you and your floof. A great time for me to introduce myself and my services, get to know/bond with you, and your floof, a time to go over any questions you have, discuss routines for pick up and drop off.  After meeting me you can feel safe and secure knowing your dog will love their adventures.

    Some questions I’ll ask you about your floof:

    Commands you use, so I can keep consistency.

    Medical issues and history.

    How you praise and discipline your dog.

    Your local vets details. In case of emergency.

    Possible areas of training needed – any issues, general concerns?


    Manners – How are they in the car? Leash etiquette, recall, behaviour around other dogs and people.

  • This is something all dogs will need to do. This allows me to observe them, their manners, and the way the like to play, interact and test their recall. This is all part of finding them the perfect pack for ongoing adventures.

  • Starting from $40

    A minimum of 1 hour exercise, with the whole adventure taking 2 - 4 hours

    Areas we service: Te Puna to Tauranga Moana – other areas by arrangement.

    Small numbers from 3 to 10 dogs

    Small tailored pack walks across beautiful locations across Tauranga Moana. We seek out sun, sand, water, mud and trails for the most fun possible! It’s time for your dog to be a dog!

    Adventure walks allow your dog to have exercise, enrichment, socialisation in new and exciting environments in a safe and supervised manner.

    While we frequent some favourite spots, No dog walk is exactly the same!

    I am passionate and committed to offering the best experiences that encourage a happy, healthy, mentally and physically stimulated dog. Your dog will love you for it!

    Included: Pick up and drop off, water, treats, towelling off, rear heated/Air conditioned car with individual safety seatbelts for a smooth and safe ride to their adventures. Daily pictures/videos of our adventures so you can join in on the fun! Also lots of positive reinforcement, praise, pats and cuddles.

  • Get in touch to discuss your needs.

    I believe that there isn’t a one size fits all approach when it comes to dog training. I tailor my programs and groups to fit the individual dogs and owner’s needs. After spending time getting to know your floof and what they require, I can better adjust my methods to suit.

  • Did you know, a puppies joints are not fully connected until approximately 12 months old? So, they can’t handle a full hour of walking or running.

    Puppy Preschool offers a fun supervised play session for small groups of puppies where they will learn to socialize and play to build confidence for the real world.

    Picked up and dropped off again, they will come to our special puppy playschool area, full of toys, games, different textures / levels / water play / sand play and more.

    This is a great introductory puppy play day to learn some manners prior to enrolling in puppy training classes, or graduating to a Zoomin Floofs adventure

  • Coming Soon

    6 week puppy training course